Relationships | Psychology | Happiness

Fixing a Broken Relationship: 8 Strategies to Get Back on Track

It takes courage, power to forgive, and a lot of goodwill

Ugur Akinci
Writer’s Journal
Published in
12 min readNov 15, 2022


Photo by Jonathan Borba:

It’s not easy to know what to do when a relationship goes bad.

Maybe you were cheated on, maybe you’re angry because he/she didn’t tell you something important, or maybe you just hate each other. Whatever the reason, relationships go sideways from time to time. Sometimes we lose our way and end up being selfish rather than compassionate.

Then we get back together again, only to find ourselves going down a completely different path. As soon as we do this, everything has changed, and the last thing we want to do is try to fix it. But the truth is that we can’t change the past — we can only move forward in our lives. And the first step towards moving forward is admitting that we made mistakes.

After considering these 8 tips, I hope you will feel inspired to make amends with someone close to you. Because once you admit that you’ve done wrong, you’ll see how quickly you can regain trust and heal old wounds.

1) Acknowledge Past Hurt

Talking about past hurt can help build trust and strengthen relationships. When you…



Ugur Akinci
Writer’s Journal

Award-winning Fortune 100 writer. Father. Husband. Brother. Friend. Still learning.