Never attempt this without the guidance of a well-established Yoga Master

Kundalini — the Secrets and Dangers of the “Coiled Serpent”

Gopi Krishna almost died trying to raise his Kundalini

Ugur Akinci
Writer’s Journal
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2019


By Silvanasono — Own work, Public Domain,

Kundalini,” which means “the coiled one,” is the invisible holy energy that yogis believe resides at the base of our spines, coiled just like a snake in the equally invisible energy center (chakra) called “Muladhar,” close to the coccyx.

Yogis believe that no spiritual knowledge and “final liberation” (nirvana) is possible without awakening this Kundalini energy.

When awakened through long years of hatha-yoga, meditation, prayers and “grace,” Kundalini allegedly rises along the “shusumna,” the non-physical energy channel that parallels the human spine, and shoots up towards the brain.

Along the way, Kundalini supposedly “pierces through” (according to the classical description in yogic texts) the seven chakras until it reaches the one on the top of the skull — the Crown Chakra.

There are thousands of books in the market today describing each and every chakra, the colors, fragrances, sounds etc. that is revealed when the Kundalini pierces through each chakra. They are all a fascinating read, really.



Ugur Akinci
Writer’s Journal

Award-winning Fortune 100 writer. Father. Husband. Brother. Friend. Still learning.