The Innovator
The Innovator Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016


Photo / Jesse Krauß

Let’s begin with this idea…

Everyone knows they’re going to die, but nobody believes it — because if we do, we would have done things differently.

The truth is, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.

Once you encounter the face of death, we might say that we really haven’t experienced all of what the world has to offer yet, because we’re half-asleep, unconsciously doing things we think we need to do.

Once we realize that time is running out, we strip away all the clutters and focus on the essentials, and we tend to see everything differently. We start to realize that the things you spend so much time on might not seem as important.

We were too involved in making a living, and if it doesn’t satisfy us, we always strive for more, unknowingly compromising our time, relationships and health.

When we come to a discovery , we start giving attention to those things we took for granted. In that part in life when we’re almost in our deathbeds, we start to ask why God must number our days. Why? To make each day precious; to cherish each and every moment of it.

We start to ask God for more time, we ask Him to make time pass slower, but the world wouldn’t stop for us.

Life must go on even though we’re gone. Death is inevitable — an occurence as natural as birth. We may accept this as a usual phenomenon but the question is, are you ready to face death when it comes your way?

Words by Alecz Dhea Bermudez

