
A Poem About Something I Take for Granted

Security in an unpredictable world

Mary Gallagher
Writers on Fire
Published in
May 23, 2021


Photo by Ivan Dostál on Unsplash

This man…
toilet seat always down,
never up.
His patience
“Honey, I wrecked the…”
It’s okay, accidents happen.

This marriage…
broken in
handfast in comfort
and dependable.
Not to be taken for granted,
yet I do.

This man…
His indulgence.
Dreams? Go for them.
Rest? Take it.
“Honey, I want to…”
Sure, whatever makes you happy.

This marriage…
stitched at the seams
smooth like a well-slept quilt,
a cloak of security
in an unpredictable world.



Mary Gallagher
Writers on Fire

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul