Photo by Adam Lister

Lifehack: Remembering What You Read

Otar Chekurishvili
1 min readSep 1, 2013

Last year, when I read a book for the third time because I couldn't remember its contents, I decided to do something about it.

After experimenting many methods I found this single hack most working, still simple. It helped me to remember most parts of the books I read and only rarely look into them (to find specific details).

Want to know the hack? Here:

Make Notes As You Read.

Have a digital book? No problem. There are loads of applications to highlight and make notes.

Most of my books look like the picture below. As you see I am comfortable with “drawing” on books, as long as they are not dated with 17th century.

Severus Snape’s (Half-Blood Prince) Book from the Harry Potter.

