When Your Own Writing Convicts You

It’s like telling yourself, “I told you so.”

Aaron Charles
Writers on Writing


Photo credit: Sunset Girl — https://unsplash.com/sunsetgirl

The written word is pretty amazing, isn’t it? It can encourage and lift up. It can challenge and empower. It can inflame and provoke. It can soothe an aching soul.

It can also give you a swift kick in the pants when you need it.

If you’re like me, you notice this when you go back and read something you wrote a while ago. My latest experience with this phenomenon came when I revisted my post on dealing with worry.

This weekend, I had a to-do list that was full of items I had been putting off. They had been nagging at me for a while, and I needed to face them. Student loans, mailing a form to our financial advisor and checking the brakes on my car.

In other words, adulting. Something I’m not always a pro at.

Once I actually started knocking these things off the to-do list, I realized that they weren’t as big of stressors as I thought they’d be. I got them all done in a weekend, and I still had time to meet with a friend for breakfast and finish binge-watching Harry Potter with my wife. I felt great.

And then it was time to start the work week.

Projects and proposals were waiting for me at the office. All the joy of completing tasks over…



Aaron Charles
Writers on Writing

Christ-follower. Husband to @SarahLCharles. Simple moments hold great power. Connect with me at my website: www.aarondcharles.com