Are You Another Frustrated Writer?

Getting your act together is up to you

Jill Reid
Writers Perch
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2022


happy girl with long hair running through grassy field with red fabric banner in her hands
Photo from DepositPhotos

You’ve finally made the decision to take this writing gig seriously.

After filling a notebook or two with ideas and storylines, setting up a few files in your computer, and installing a note app on your phone, you’re ready to hit your new profession head-on.

Until something or someone interrupts your precious creative state of mind.

Why can’t the universe — and those who reside within it — understand how important writing is to you? After all, you’re keeping to yourself, focusing on the screen, and making as little noise as possible.

What’s with all the distractions that keep poking their way in?

I get it. Not having a set time when you can be left alone to work can be frustrating.

Frankly, your dedication to your craft has nothing to do with what’s really going on.

Here’s a short excerpt from Please God, Make Me a Writer that may give you a few ideas on how to manage your life, your time, and your burgeoning career.

Thinking Outside the Box is the Key to



Jill Reid
Writers Perch

Author of Real Life | Discover Your Personal Truth | Life in Small Doses | Please God, Make Me A Writer| JillReid.Substack.com | JillReidBooks.com