I Love Hong Kong

A 24-hour city

Writer’s Reflect


Evening in Hong Kong. Photo by author.

I love Hong Kong.

I love the busyness of it, the energy of it, the constant go-go-go motion of it. I love big huge billboards in it, the wide variety of restaurants in it, the luxury shops, the endless parade of red taxi’s, the double-decker buses and the sidewalks full of people who look like they know exactly where they are going.

I love the little shops of it, the night markets of it, I love the throngs of people of it.

Photo by the author.

I love the ferries of Hong Kong, I love the shoreline of Hong Kong, I like the night laser shows from across the bay.

Photo by the author.

I like that not only do tourists come for the cheap prices at the Night Market, but that Hong Kong mothers will buy their children’s school clothes at the Night Market, and mother’s can’t be wrong, right?

Photo by the author.

I like how foods in Hong Kong are displayed in the window, instead of menus.

Photo by the author.

I like the mix of old and new in Hong Kong, that the old and new work and live side by side with each other 24 hours of the day.



Writer’s Reflect

Editor of 'Page One: Writers on Writing', and 'Writer's Reflect.' Award winning journalist. I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars writing.