6 Brainstorming Methods That Every Author Should Know

Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2022

When it comes to coming up with a great concept for a book, authors should know how to brainstorm. Coming up with new ideas for your stories is not an easy prospect. There will be times where you will suffer from writer’s block or fatigue, and you won’t be able to come up with worthwhile writing ideas.

If you want to make your book as unique as possible, it is important that you know how to brainstorm your writing ideas. Here are six brainstorming methods that every author should know.

1. Utilize writing prompts

If you want to come up with great concepts for your story, you should try to utilize writing prompts. This technique is some of the most common, yet effective brainstorming methods available. What makes writing prompts so effective, is the fact that they get you started right away. They are also easy to create. All you need is a sentence or two, and you could build upon a potential writing idea. When you use writing prompts, you should list down a series of writing prompts, and then gradually build up on these ideas. You don’t have to finish writing all of them. You just need to have a list of writing prompts. That way, you will have a lot of writing ideas to choose from.

2. Try out free writing methods

A key aspect of brainstorming writing ideas, is that you will need to be able to write as freely as possible. Remember that writing should be as free flowing as possible. You should try out free flowing methods. This will allow you to write without any structure, or predetermined plan. Just write whatever comes to mind. You’ll be surprised at the number of ideas that you’ll be able to draw out.

3. Write about your surroundings

Yet another way you could come up with great ideas, is to just write about your surroundings. Take a close look of your surroundings. What do you see? What does the area look like? What are the key details of the area? By writing in a detailed manner about your surroundings, you will be able to get your creative juices moving.

4. Go on mindful walks

Yet another way you could brainstorm new ideas is to go on mindful walks. Remember that being mindful of your surroundings is a great way to come up with writing ideas. When you go out for mindful walks, it is better if you take the more scenic routes. The more scenic the route, the more chances you will have to come up with great writing ideas. You could go out into the woods, walk past a lake, or a special place that you love. What’s important is that the place is peaceful, it has an easy path to walk through, and you have ample time to go through your thoughts. Think of your mindful walks as a kind of meditation that will allow you to tap into your inner writer.

5. Read new content

If you want to make your writing ideas as original as possible, you should try to read new content on a regular basis. Remember that the more content you read, the more multifaceted your work will be. If you are going to read new content on a daily basis, you should not limit yourself to just one genre or format. You could read practically anything you want. You could read periodicals, articles, novels, even documents on crimes. There is no limit to the content you could read. As a whole, the more content you read, the more ideas you will have to draw upon.

6. Write about life experiences

A very important aspect of brainstorming new ideas, are your own life experiences. Remember that you could draw from your own life experiences. Our lives are tinged with a myriad of memories. These memories could be happy, sad, euphoric, nostalgic, etc. What’s important is that you tap into these memories, and use them in your writing.


If you are going to write a unique concept for your book, you should make sure that you know how to brainstorm your ideas. With these tips, you’ll be able to brainstorm new ideas for great books.

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Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic

Bibliophile , Senior Indie Editor at Writers Republic