6 Tips for Choosing a Nonfiction Genre to Write For

Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2021

If you are just starting out as a writer, one of the most difficult choices you have to make, is what genre you are going to write for. There are many nonfiction genres that you could choose, and they all have the potential to make your writing career a success. However, before you start writing, you should choose a genre that you will focus on the most. Remember that you only have a finite amount of time and energy to devote on a genre, so you should choose one to specialize in. Here are 6 tips for choosing a nonfiction genre to write for.

1. Read various genres

Before you do choose a genre to write for, it is very important that you read multiple ones. Make it a habit to read at least one new book a week, and read articles every day. You should make your reading list as varied as possible. One book could be a book on theology, while another one could be a biography of Winston Churchill’s life. By exposing yourself to as many types of nonfiction genres as possible, you will know what makes each and every one of them unique.

2. Write with your target market in mind

Aside from exposing yourself to a lot of genres, it is also a good idea to take your target market into consideration. Remember that your target market and your chosen genre affect one another a great deal. If you have a specific target market that you want to cater to, then it is a good idea to take this into consideration when you choose your genre.

For example, your main interest is history, and you are more comfortable writing to history buffs. Taking your preference into consideration, then you should write history books. By basing your nonfiction genre choice on your target market, you will be able to narrow down your options.

3. Write what you are interested in

When it comes to choosing your genre, it is very important that you write about a topic that you are interested in. Don’t just choose a genre because it is popular. Remember that your choice of genre will affect the overall writing process.

For example, you chose to write political nonfiction because it has a very big following, however, your writing style is geared for a different audience, then you are doing yourself and your readers a great disservice. Stick to what you know, and what you are really interested in. You will have a much better chance of creating truly great work in the long run.

4. Don’t write for the money

If you are going to be a professional writer, you should not write for the money. Many a writer goes into writing because they think it is a great way to get rich. While there have been many writers who got rich through their literary works, there are even more writers who have failed to get rich from writing.

You should remember that it takes a very long time to make a name for yourself as a writer. It took those famous writers a lot of time and work to get to where they are financially. If you think you could get rich quickly as a writer, then you are in for a big surprise. So if you are going to choose a genre, you should not choose it because you have a higher chance of selling a lot of books. Choose a genre because you are genuinely interested in it, not because you want to make money off it.

5. Experiment with various titles to help you choose your genre

When it comes to choosing your nonfiction genre, it is also a good idea to experiment with various titles. Aside from your topic, your choice of book titles will also help you choose your genre.

First things first, you should make a short list of potential titles. These are titles that you have always wanted to use through the years. Take a look at these titles, and then try to match them to a specific nonfiction genre that you are interested in. By factoring your list of potential titles into your genre choice, it will make choosing a genre a lot easier in the long run.

6. Experiment with different genres before you decide

Aside from reading different nonfiction genres, it is also imperative that you try your hand with all of them. By writing in various genres, you will be able to see their various nuances, and choose the best ones for you.

Remember that each and every nonfiction genre has their own characteristics such as tone, length, and concepts. You don’t really need to write an entire book for each genre that would take too much time.

Instead, you should write a short article for each nonfiction genre. It could only be a thousand words or less, it really depends on you. What’s important is that you try each one of the nonfiction genres out, and see which one’s fit you best.


If you want to start your writing career in the best way possible, it is important that you choose your genre carefully. If you choose the wrong genre, you will just waste valuable time and effort without making any progress. With these tips, you’ll be able to choose the right nonfiction genre to write for.

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Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic

Bibliophile , Senior Indie Editor at Writers Republic