What is the Rising Action in a Story?

Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2021

When it comes to writing a compelling story, it always helps to utilize the rising action properly. What is the rising action though? Why is it important? How do you utilize it effectively in your story? Here are a few things that you should know about the rising action, and how to use it properly in your story.

What is a Rising Action?

The rising action is a part of the six elements of the plot of a story, and is meant to move the story forward to the climax. The rising action is predominantly pushed by the events and decisions of the characters in the story. During the rising action, the protagonist will be forced to make a hard decision. As the story progresses, the character will be involved in a series of events and decisions that continually get more difficult.

Key Characteristics of the Rising Action

If you are going to use the rising action in your story, you should make sure that you know their key characteristics. By knowing the key attributes of the rising action, you will be able to utilize it as effectively as possible.

· It usually begins with an inciting action or event

One of the key characteristics of a rising action, is that it is set into action by a series of difficult events and scenarios that is meant to create tension or complications in the story. These inciting actions could also come with the introduction of a new character.

· A rising action slowly builds up the tension of the story

As the name implies, the rising faction is all about the increase of tension as the story unfolds. It is used to keep the readers on their toes. It makes them feel apprehensive, and wondering what the main protagonist will do. It takes a great deal of skill, and patience to write. When you write your rising action, it is important that you don’t rush it. Take the time to put in key details, clues, and hints for the readers to take note of. It is also a good idea to use foreshadowing when you write your rising action. Just make sure that you don’t make it too obvious.

· The rising action is usually the longest part of the story

If there is one thing you should know about using the rising action in your writing, is that it is the longest part of a story. This is because the rising action is meant to provide the meat of the story. It is also meant to lead up to the highest point of the story. While the rising action is usually the longest part of the story, it does not necessarily have to be the longest. Your stories could follow a different structure, and that’s ok. It is all up to you to decide.

· It is the precursor to the climax

The main objective of the rising action, is to build up towards the climax of the story. It is the staging point for the highest point in the story. The rising action only ends, once the climax of the story begins. The main objective of the climax is to provide a sense of fulfillment to all the tension and details that were being built up during the rising action part of the story.

For example, your story follows a gang of criminals that were set up during a bank heist. Some of them escape the botched bank robbery. However, there is a seed of doubt in their minds. They start wondering who the traitor is. The main protagonist makes it his mission to find the traitor. He goes through a series of dangerous adventures, before he finally gains enough information and evidence to confront the traitor. The series of events before this confrontation is the rising point, while the confrontation itself is the climax of the story.


If you are going to use the rising action in your story, it is important that you know what it is, and how to use it properly. While the rising action might seem simple to use at first, there are some key characteristics that you should take into account. With these tips, you’ll be able to use the rising action in your story as efficiently as possible.

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Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic

Bibliophile , Senior Indie Editor at Writers Republic