6 Great Tips for Writing a Powerful Memoir

Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2021
tips for writing a powerful memoir

Writing a memoir is a bucket list for most writers. It’s understandable because memoirs allow you to write about key moments in your life. Your memoir also allows you to inspire and enlighten readers with your own unique outlook on life. But as enjoyable as it is to write a memoir, you will need to write a truly powerful one. This is because there are a myriad of memoirs out there, and if your memoir cannot capture your reader’s attention, it may get overlooked. So you should make it a priority to write a powerful memoir. Here are 6 Great tips for writing a powerful memoir.

1. Follow a set theme

It always pays to follow a set theme when you write your memoir. This is because the theme will act as a type of guide. For example, your set theme is redemption. By having redemption as your set theme, your writing will be a lot more focused. You can veer away from this concept in a few chapters, just as long as the majority of your memoir follows the theme.

2. Know your target market

Before you start writing your memoir you should know who you are actually writing for. This is important because you will need to know how to address them. If your memoir is written for family and close friends, then you can be a bit more candid. You can even throw a few memories or jokes around, because you know that your family will understand them. But if are planning on distributing your memoir to a wider audience, then it is better to be a bit more reserved in your language.

3. Choose key moments in your life

When you use memories in your writing, make sure that they follow the overall theme of your memoir. Don’t just use random memories that have no connection to your set theme. This can be considered as out of the context and may confuse your readers as to what your main message is about.

4. Be honest with your readers

When it comes to writing a memoir, honesty is always key. Although you can change the name of a character for the sake of privacy, you should always be honest about the key moments in your life. This is especially true for the more pivotal and dramatic events. Don’t just make up memories just for the sake of drama. The same goes for achievements and relationships that you have attained. When it comes to such sensitive subjects, honesty is always key.

5. Share the limelight

Although the memoir is predominantly about you, it is always a good idea to share the limelight. You should introduce other characters in your memoir. They can come in the form of your parents, siblings, best friends or mentors. They can even be people who you met for the very first time. What matters is that they were instrumental in shaping who you are as a person.

6. Form a rapport with your readers

If you want potential readers to read your memoir, you should actually make them care about you and your story. So it is imperative that you form a rapport or emotional connection with them. The best way to do this is to be as transparent as possible. Be open with them, write about your pain. Write about your struggles and failures. Show them your realizations and how you were able to grow as a person. This will show readers that you are a human being like them. It shows that you have your own struggles and imperfections. Ultimately this show of vulnerability will endear you to them.

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Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic

Bibliophile , Senior Indie Editor at Writers Republic