5 Ways Self-Published Authors Can Use Facebook in Their Book Marketing

Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2020
using facebook in book marketing

One of the main difficulties of being a self-published author is the book marketing process. There are already a multitude of authors coming out of the woodwork on a daily basis. So it can be difficult to make your book stand out from the crowd. There also the fact that book marketing can be very expensive, so if you want to market your book as effectively as possible, you will need to look for less costly alternatives. Luckily there is a perfect marketing option that you can take advantage of. That option is Facebook, The social media site is practically the most widely used in the world. A multitude of people use it on a daily basis. This grants you the golden opportunity to market your book there. What’s more you won’t have to spend a dime in your book marketing. Here are 5 Ways self-published authors can use Facebook in their book marketing.

1. Give away freebies

When it comes to marketing on Facebook it always pays to give away freebies. When you give away freebies it is better if you do it as a contest. That way people will not view your freebies as mere giveaways, but as prizes to win. Holding an online contest is not that difficult, you just need to set a deadline, and use the appropriate software to choose the winner. This online contest not only makes potential buyers take notice of you, it will also earn you the goodwill of those who win.

2. Post examples of your work

Seeing as Facebook is one of the most well-known social media sites in the world, it is a perfect platform to show off your work to the reading public. Through your Facebook account, you can post excerpts of your book. You could also post articles or other work that you may have written in the past. This is a great way to entice people to read your work.

3. Show your journey as a writer

Aside from showing your work to the public, it is important that you also show a little bit of your life as a writer. When it comes to marketing your author brand, you must show potential readers your personality and your journey as a writer. Show them your triumphs, your struggles and your overall experiences as a writer. By being open about your life as a writer, people will get to know you more, and root for you. Post videos of your writing sessions and excerpts of your work. You could also show your other hobbies, this will make you more likeable and approachable to potential fans.

4. Join online writing communities

If you want to expand your circle of influence, it always pays to join online writing communities. By joining online communities, you will be able to make friends and connections, There are a myriad of online writing communities in Facebook that you can join. They usually specialize in specific genres, so before you join a writing community you should make sure that they write in a genre that you like. You should also check if the members are people that you are comfortable with. You don’t want to join an online community that has a toxic atmosphere. Join a writing community that will help you grow as a writer.

5. Post links to your author blog

Aside from your Facebook account, you should also have your own author blog. Your author blog will technically act as your main book marketing platform. Through there, you will be able to post more of your content. You can also put up your author bio, and tell readers a little bit about yourself. One of the best uses for your Facebook account, is that it allows you to post links that will lead potential fans to your author blog. This strategy will make it easier for potential fans to find your author blog. This feature will prove invaluable as you market your self-published book.


Marketing a self-published book can be a difficult process. But if you know how to use a potent marketing tool like Facebook, your chances of success will improve a great deal.

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Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic

Bibliophile , Senior Indie Editor at Writers Republic