Vaibhav Sorte
Writer’s Unblock
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2016


Making and managing your notes is a tedious task when it comes to researching in order to write a post later. If you’re a content writer you would know how tiresome it can get to manage notes from multiple sources and then access them all at one go. takes care of these cumbersome tasks and lets you focus on researching and writing.

Making notes and managing them is very handy on After selecting the required text on your reader, a note making button pops up and asks you if you want to make a ‘new note’ or ‘append’ to an already existing note to your diary. Not only text but you can also select an image and add that to your note too :)

Making Notes from the Reader

Forget creating multiple notes and frustrating yourself locating them. Appending lets you store information from different articles in one note.

Appending to an Existing Note

So next time you prepare for writing a story on Apple’s new feature release, don’t worry about skimming through multiple articles and making notes. You can store all those notes from multiple articles in one single note. Would that not kill all the frustration of a content writer?

Making a Note using the Plugin

We have a browser plugin for making notes straight from your browser. If you’re reading a story on a website and you want to quickly make notes, you can do that using the plugin. Here too it is as easy as making a note from the Creatx Reader.

Appending Note using the Plugin

Download the plugin from here and get started

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