The Mindfulness Bypass to True Enjoyment

Lori Worsencroft
Authentic Self
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2014


Today I will practice mindfulness. I will let go of the to-do list and live instead by the to-be list. I will just be—wherever I am.

If where I am is cleaning the bathroom or flipping through a magazine, that is where I will be.

If where I am is stuck in traffic, that is where I will be.

If where I am is watching my 14-month old throw his sippy cup onto the floor for the fourth time as I promise not to pick it up for him, that is where I will be.

If where I am is not perfect enough, clean enough or even sane enough, it is still where I will be.

Serenity doesn’t have to exist outside the realm of reality.

This day, this moment is what we make of it. If we fight it or try to live and die by our to-do list, we often find ourselves in an unhappy, miserable mess, just waiting for the moment that will be perfect, relaxed, free. But this moment of happiness—of truly being—exists only when you choose for it to, rather it be now or later.

Let’s sidestep the B.S., the drama, the inner turmoil and instead take the mindfulness bypass to true enjoyment—the present moment.



Lori Worsencroft
Authentic Self

Uninhibited, empowering writer with a zest for life and sharing all its wild and inspiring experiences. Join me?