The Risk of Love

Your friend I’ll always be, but my heart longs for more

Hazel Wai
The Writer’s Whisper
May 31, 2024


Photo by Moses Londo on Unsplash

Beneath the stars, in the soft twilight,
I think of you, and all feels right.
Your presence is a balm, a soothing grace,
Yet fear takes hold when I see your face.

Could I confess these thoughts I hold so dear,
And risk the laughter, or the tear?
What if your heart does not align with mine,
And friendship fades, leaving us behind?

Your smile, a gift, a gentle light,
I treasure it in the darkest night.
But love, oh love, is a perilous sea,
With waves of joy and uncertainty.

Should I dive deep, or stay on the shore?
The unknown future, what lies in store?
For now, I linger, in the in-between,
Dreaming of what could, or might have been.

Thanks for Reading



Hazel Wai
The Writer’s Whisper

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