Busy Writers

Don’t have enough time to write? Here’s what to do.

Everlasting Writing Coach
Writers Who Need Help Writing


This is a problem that almost any person, across any profession and almost any lifestyle can relate to: not enough time. Issues with time are a human panic button, tied to our own mortality. It is an especially poignant dilemma for writers, who require time to produce. Lack of time is also the most easy-ready excuse.

You have the same amount of time in a day as a Beyonce. — Anonymous

How do you handle the limited hours in each 24-hour time period, and Beyonce the hell out of them? Do you write in five minute snatches every day? Do you take a several week vacation every year to write? Or do you just struggle along with the business, your writing often becoming the first casualty? Is “time” just an excuse for not wanting to grapple with the other issues which stand in the way of writing (most of them psychological)?

Leave a comment or write a response (tag it with WWNHW, and BusyWriters) to have it published in Writers Who Need Help Writing.

Need more help than a group, or articles, can give you? There’s no shame in realizing that being too busy is keeping you from your dreams. I am available for hire as a private writing coach who can help you figure out a plan that works and stick with it. You can do this, you’re a boss!

