Inspirationless Writers

Everlasting Writing Coach
Writers Who Need Help Writing
2 min readAug 12, 2015


Have writer’s block, or just need an extra kick? I defy you not to get inspired.

Uninspired writing is not pretty. Writing without inspiration is not fun, and sometimes it’s impossible.

Below you will find a list of inspirational movies, music, books, thoughts, etc. Please add anything that has given you inspiration, and pass on the love. (If you burn through this list, you may have to check out Procrastinating Writers next.)

Words & Pictures
After The Dark
The Dark Knight
About Time
Hunger Games

TV shows:
The Newsroom
Lie To Me
Downton Abbey

Anne of Green Gables
The Goldfinch

(Anything by) Two Steps From Hell
(Anything by) Hans Zimmers

After The Dark

(I have a list of amazing writing soundtracks organized by mood as well.)

Have you struggled to remain inspired? What do you do to get inspired? Or is inspiration for sissies?

Leave a comment or write a response (tag it with WWNHW, and InspirationlessWriters) to have it published in Writers Who Need Help Writing. Don’t forget to comment on what’s inspired you to have it added to this article!

Need more inspiration than a group, or articles, can give you? It’s okay to need help! I am available for hire as a private writing muse/coach. We’ll keep you inspired every day, and work on building up a store of inspiration that can last a long time. It is possible!

