# 001

J.D. Armstrong
Writers Without Walls
6 min readNov 7, 2022


Writers Without Walls

Proudly Sponsored by Zirkels

Welcome to the official 1st edition of Writers Without Walls Publication. Which you can access and share across three different platforms.

Obviously, here on Medium

Also, here on Zirkels

And here on Substack

A couple of quick but exciting announcements.

** First, as you would have read in our introductory issue, JD was releasing his short stories on Readl. He has since been invited to be a guest speaker on their Twitter space this coming week, possibly the week after if a suitable time can’t be reached with everyone’s schedules and timezone considerations.

Follow these Twitter profiles for announcements. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear more.

Readl Co-Founder Giulia Readl Marketing Lead Ricardo

Guest Speakers JD and Edward

** Second, we have been accepted into Nas.io beta communities launch. We plan to launch this coming week so keep an eye out for that announcement. This is exciting, as getting into this beta was a slim chance. They had thousands of applications, and we were accepted into the second round. As stated previously, we still plan to launch our community on Entre. This allows us to offer that…

