The Tolerance Paradox, AI’s Perspective and more.

J.D. Armstrong
Writers Without Walls
8 min readJul 6, 2023


Greetings, writer fam, and a warm welcome to Newsication #009!

First, we’d like to apologise for the delay in this issue coming out. There are a multitude of excuses, but none are good enough. So we will move on and be back to our consistent selves. Secondly, we are aware that Pride Month is over, and we still have the flag showing as a sign of support, apart from the fact that the community needs allies all year round, this issue was due out during Pride Month, so decided it would stay.

As you might be aware, and if not, come to anticipate, we’re here to celebrate the power of words and the diversity they can express. Writers Without Walls, as our name suggests, is a concept that champions inclusivity, diversity, and the breaking down of barriers through the written word. We’re a safe haven for all writers, regardless of identity or orientation, a place where every voice is heard, respected, and cherished. Our community thrives on the unique perspectives and rich narratives each individual brings, and as we continue to grow, our commitment to fostering an environment where every voice matters remains unwavering. Having said that, we will not tolerate intolerance.

Sounds like a paradox, does it not? It is, in fact, “The Tolerance Paradox.” Karl Popper was a philosopher of science and a political philosopher…

