Writing prompts | Creative Writing 101

9 Food-Related Writing Prompts

From good nights to food fights.

JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den
2 min readAug 8, 2022


Photo by Megan Bucknall on Unsplash

Hi there, writers! Time for another list of writing prompts. I share one every Monday, hoping to help a few sparks of inspiration come your way.

If you are doing the 💯 Story Challenge, or just want to increase your output of short stories or flash fiction, check out a list with all my prompt articles here.

Idea 1

Write a flash fiction or drabble which begins and ends with reference to a foodstuff, for example a sandwich that sits untouched, a coffee that goes cold, or an apple pie that disappears during a conversation.

Idea 2

Write a very short piece of fiction or a poem that focuses in minute detail on a piece of cutlery.

Idea 3

Everything seemed normal at the family gathering, until — without warning — D. picked up a tomato, and threw it at…

Idea 4

Craft a scene or even an origin story for a sci-fi or superhero character whose abilities are strongly connected to food. Perhaps a superhero that needs to eat a lot of burgers in order to fly, for example.

Idea 5



JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.