A Drabble a Day 17: Summer Camp Drabbler

A Drabble a Day Words for 4/29–5/5

Grim Flandango
The Fiction Writer’s Den
3 min readApr 29, 2024


Dark woods
Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

We open in a great expanse of forest, no civilization to be seen. The moon shines down through the trees, casting the scene in an unearthly glow.

For a moment, there is just silence.

Our hero bursts onto the scene, running and huffing and crashing against everything. He looks behind him as he runs, searching for something in the darkness.

Which is why he doesn’t see the tree until he crashes into it. He bounces off, spins into another tree, bounces off that and crashes against one last tree for good measure before collapsing in a heap on the ground.

Silence returns.

Until a muffled voice croaks, “Ow, shit.”

And then another figure crashes into view. He is partially obscured by the shadows, but we can see he is large and lumbering and wielding the kind of axe that would make a LARPer shit themselves with envy. The creature roars in animalistic triumph as he sees his prey upon the ground. He raises the axe, bears down and…

Nope, no, we’re not doing that. Look, let’s face it, no way I end up the final girl. First off, I haven’t been a virgin since my mid-thirties. (She’s from…



Grim Flandango
The Fiction Writer’s Den

I write weird stories that may or may not have monsters in them, depending on my mood. I can write 2k words on just about anything- except for a coherent bio.