A Drabble a Day 9: Drabbles Take Daytona Beach

A Drabble a Day words for 2/26–3/3

Grim Flandango
The Fiction Writer’s Den
3 min readFeb 25, 2024


Zombie-like hands coming up from a shore
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

We open on a wide expanse of beach. The year is 1987. Everyone is lost in a cloud of Aqua Net and Marlboros. Unnaturally gorgeous women with unsettlingly tall hair bounce boobily about in their bikinis.

We pan over to see the palest man ever to set foot on a Florida beach. His skin is blinding. The sun’s reflection off his pasty flesh sets a miniature poodle on fire. I’m just saying, like super pale.

Our hero turns to the camera and does his best Alfred Hitchcock impression. It is… unremarkable.

Greetings, my friends. Tonight, I offer you a tale of terror so horrifying that it was locked away in the vaults of a now-defunct studio who must remain nameless for legal purposes. There it languished for nearly four decades until, just a few weeks ago, it was discovered by a local reprobate looking to steal copper tubing.

After I- er… the unnamed criminal realized what he had, a bidding war for the rights to this masterpiece ensued until it was finally acquired for a record $14.62 and a slightly expired Hot Pocket.

But, before we get to the film that caused Linnea Quigley to find Jesus in a Boise rest stop bathroom, we should…



Grim Flandango
The Fiction Writer’s Den

I write weird stories that may or may not have monsters in them, depending on my mood. I can write 2k words on just about anything- except for a coherent bio.