A Lesson Learned

Sometimes you just have to learn things the hard way.

Nick Somers
The Fiction Writer’s Den


A pretty young woman smiles at the viewer and wields a sharp knife.
Image created by the author in Microsoft Designer

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the format of drabbles, they are stories that are exactly 100 words long. If you enjoy this story, I would really appreciate it if you could stay on this page for at least 30 seconds so it will count as a read rather than just a view. Claps, highlights, and comments would be the icing on the cake.

Josh was exactly the way Janie had described him to me. Good-looking, over-confident, but just the right side of courteous to earn a person’s trust. When he offered me a lift home I jumped at the chance, willingly accepting his kind gesture.

He did precisely what he’d done to Janie, detouring because he swore he knew a better route to my home. It was a lie, of course.

The secluded woodland track he stopped on meant no one would hear any cries for help.

He should have thought of that before I left him with that knife in his chest.

Thanks for reading!



Nick Somers
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Writer. Artist. Sci-fi, horror and paranormal/supernatural fan. Purveyor of dark tales to exorcise my demons.