Art Therapy

Therapy with a demon, session 57.


A bosch painting
Painting by Hieronymus Bosch.

“Let’s unpack that. How did you feel when you told your boss you quit?” Dr. Fournier asked.

Ronove shifted in his chair. “Liberating, I suppose. Not that I can ever be truly free, but I do feel lighter. Collecting souls is exhausting, Doc. It’s like that commercial, the one where the guy says, ‘Time to make the donuts.’ Know that one?”

“I don’t, but you deserve a lot of credit for taking this step. This is real progress, Ronove.”

The demon blushed.

“So, what’s next?” asked Fournier.

“Painting, I think. Art is my real passion.”

“Excellent. Self-expression can be quite therapeutic. What subjects do you enjoy painting?”

“Hellscapes, mostly.”



Shane Bzdok
The Fiction Writer’s Den

The mind is a powerful thing. I love that it can scare the hell out of you. I am an emerging writer exploring horror and speculative fiction from Austin, Texas.