Bow Wow Wow

After the shock of hearing her dog speak, she enjoyed their talks.

Vivian McInerny
The Fiction Writer’s Den


Image of soulful-looking dog generated by author using NightCafe
Image of dog generated by author using NightCafe

The first time I heard Scratch talk, I thought I was going nuts.

“Did you say something?” I asked, and immediately felt like a crazy cat lady only with a dog. Scratch did one of those adorable head tilts in response.

Talking to my dog was acceptable as long as the conversation was one-sided and centered around basic communications like, “Do you need to go outside?” or “Want to go for a walk?” or the less essential yet at times irresistible, “Who’s a good boy?”

But I’d asked none of these things. Scratch initiated that first conversation and once I got over the shock of it, we had some good talks.

I’d just come home from a long and crappy day at work, crappy because any day working in HR is pretty much garbage. Please don’t tell me I am lucky to be employed. Or that if I hate my job so much I should quit. One time I was venting about work when my then-boyfriend suggested I go out and get a new job. I turned to him and deadpanned, “I hadn’t thought of that before. Thanks for the tip.”

“You’re welcome,” he said as if he’d really fixed poor broken me.

As mentioned above, my “then” boyfriend. He’s since been relegated to The Ex-Files. We didn’t have a big dramatic…



Vivian McInerny
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Career journalist, essayist, fiction writer, and life-long spirit-quester.