Writing prompts | Fiction writing
Character-Driven Fiction
September’s Writing Prompts at the The Fiction Writer’s Den
Where would stories be without compelling characters? A plot is just a plot — often the same one that has been used hundreds of times before! Settings are memorable, but characters can make a story leap off the page.
So, for our latest set of fiction writing prompts at The Fiction Writer’s Den, we are going to explore characters — good or bad, wise or wacky, funny or infuriating.
In case you missed them, here are August’s prompts:
Without further ado, let’s get writing!
Idea 1
Write a drabble from the perspective of someone who sinks into… something! A jellyfish infested sea? Quicksand? Debt?
Idea 2
Write a story focusing on the newest member of a team — your choice what kind of team. A novice pirate on a voyage? The new kid at school? A recently elected politician?