CYOA Drabble arc: Evading the Noose

Evading the Noose: Clambering

A CYOA drabble


Stone tunnel
Photo by Tyler Mower on Unsplash

This is a ‘choose your own’ story of trial and punishment, set in the year 1800. Click here for the story’s beginning! Click here for the previous chapter.

Hoping for a safe hiding spot, you crawl upwards. Whoever built this tunnel must have had a good reason… and to your relief, what starts as a slimy, web-covered passage broadens out.

Soon you are walking in a dry and well-constructed tunnel. From there, you come to a vaulted room where wagons are stored.

Safety! Moving to the entrance, you picture yourself spending the afternoon in an alehouse, planning your next move.

But then a guard with a rifle comes the door. It’s all that you can do to dart past him, and flee out into the street.




JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.