CYOA Drabble arc: Evading the Noose
Evading the Noose: The Fall
A CYOA drabble
This is a ‘choose your own’ story of trial and punishment, set in the year 1800. Click here for the story’s beginning, here to return to ‘Tunnels’, or here to return to ‘Latrines’.
Hoping for a safe hiding spot, you crawl downwards. Whoever built this tunnel must have had a good reason, right? Perhaps it leads into the sewer systems, or even connects to the river.
However, thick spider webs increasingly slow you down as you crawl. And as you move further, it gets progressively steeper! You begin to slip, then find yourself falling.
Seconds later, you are caught in a massive net.
You lie there, trying to right yourself, but it’s sticky, and hard to move. Looking around, you see webbed-up shapes hanging.
Uh, oh…
Then you turn. And you scream…
The End
Well, at least you didn’t get hanged, though perhaps this wasn’t much better! Click here to go back to the start and take a different path.