Finishing Our Murder Mystery Showed Me the Best Way for a Fiction Author to Market and Sell Stories

The same principle applies to all forms of writing online

Don Simkovich, MA
The Fiction Writer’s Den


A woman blows confetti towards the camera
Photo by Hugo Ruiz on Unsplash

We’re heading into revising and editing the final draft of our new murder mystery, She Cradled the Smoking Gun.

This was the first murder mystery we’ve written. Previously, we’ve written several crime thrillers. This project took us over a year to complete due to getting familiar with the genre, handling personal circumstances, and writing select client projects.

Now, we’re ready to market the story before our launch.

What’s the best marketing strategy to use while we’re making our final edits and designing the cover?

I don’t want to go deep into details but here’s my thought: write another story, even if it’s a 3,000-word short story.

Writing more and publishing steadily is the number one best way to market yourself as a fiction author or as an online writer on Medium, LinkedIn, or another platform.

Marketing is a system of interrelated activities and, yes, I know building an email list is essential. The advantage of having a list is that you can stay in touch with your fan base if you’re taking a year or longer to release a…



Don Simkovich, MA
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.