Random | Drabble | Micro-Fiction | Office Drama?


The Fiction Writer’s Den
2 min readMay 3, 2024


This is a Drabble. And, sometimes products just sh*rt the bed.

Fresh and old leak splashes stain a concrete floor.
Photo by Jon Moore on Unsplash

This prompt, A Drabble a Day, is by Grim Flandango in The Fiction Writer’s Den. Drabble: a fictive work of prose in exactly 100 words — ni más, ni menos.

Challenge Word (01 May): Gaffe


“Sorry, ma’am?”

“Details” His director groaned, pumping dumbbells and stomping around the track. “Jolly, giant, f*cking…” She huffed.

He’d halved steps. Best not to overtake her. Only thing more harrowing than chasing this conversation might be a tête-à-tête. Joy pains of powerwalk-lunches.

“Rear appendage gasket.” He paused. “Rumbling exhaust — bug.”

She turned.

“Right — slip.” He wagged. “Not bug. Feature-gaffe.”


“Subsequent oil leak.”


“Ten… of ten.”

She considered the words. “The godd*mn robot-dog we designed — scheduled for wide release tomorrow… sharts? When you lift it?”


“F*ck.” She turned and marched off.

It’s a challenge for the author. Read it once, read it twice, give it a think, dance a jig for 30 seconds, leave a comment, have a clap… I dunno. It’s whatever… you’re here. You’re here and we had a chance to talk. That’s what matters and I appreciate you for that.

The prompt(s) & publication:



The Fiction Writer’s Den

I've been a little lost lately. Soooo, I (try to) write (now).