Random | Drabble | Micro-Fiction | Sci-Fi


This is a Drabble. And, sometimes “I’m sorry” just doesn’t quite cut it.

The Fiction Writer’s Den


This prompt, A Drabble a Day, is by Grim Flandango in The Fiction Writer’s Den. Drabble: a fictive work of prose in exactly 100 words — ni más, ni menos.

Challenge Word (04 May): Budget

She’d been “asleep”, left on a hilltop. Sleeping bag, box of slugs, castoff syringe, a note: I’m sorry.

F*ck you.

Camp was east. Camp was a trap and she was bait. The machines would walk her down while the pair of traitors headed north to the coast. Hoped their way across the strait to god knows?

The machines hunted in cells — tens, if history served. So, twenty… likely. Two shots per, no strays. Not enough shots — can’t budget away the inevitable.

If she could get to the port fast enough though… ran? She’d only need two. I’m sorry f*ck you.

It’s a challenge for the author. Read it once, read it twice, give it a think, dance a jig for 30 seconds, leave a comment, have a clap… I dunno. It’s whatever… you’re here. You’re here and we had a chance to talk. That’s what matters and I appreciate you for that.

The prompt(s) & publication:



The Fiction Writer’s Den

I've been a little lost lately. Soooo, I (try to) write (now).