I Do Not Want Another Romanian Kiss

Romance On the River Someş

David Walby
The Fiction Writer’s Den


Tall, white woman with red lipstick wearing a black dress-coat.
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“I do not want another Romanian kiss,” that’s what my grandfather said at the end of his story.

He was telling me of his young and adventurous days when he was a mid-ranking official of a medical services company. He traveled all over the world during his travels, but he spent most of his time in Eastern Europe. He had many stories to tell of the interesting places and cultures, but this was by far his most interesting story.

He only ever told it once and later denied that he ever did at all.

He was in Romania negotiating a sales deal for his company with some research facility or another — the details lost after such a long period of time. After a long day at the negotiating table, he went to one of the local bars with a couple of acquaintances he had met during the trip.

“This was no American bar, my boy. The Romanians… they do it a bit differently, or at least they did back then. It was all dark wood, like mahogany. The walls, chairs, counter, everything. The dim lights could barely keep up because it all got sucked up…



David Walby
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Online writer on a mission to help 100,000 people grow and become better communicators. I write on Medium and X.