Out of the Past

An Invitation

Simon Nagel
The Fiction Writer’s Den
2 min readApr 8, 2024


A landline telephone shattered on a desk.
Created using Dall-E2

This is a continuation of Fightful Fantasy: A Choose Your Own Adventure Martial Arts Saga.

It was too hard to say goodbye back then. You simply stopped attending the dojo. In some ways Boss must have understood. You left, but you would always Be Faithful.

And now she’s here, standing in your doorway.

“So this is the insurance racket, huh?”

“Yes,” you reply with a twinge of embarrassment. “It’s not the dojo, but I needed to make some changes. You know how it goes.”

“As much as I hate to say it, you weren’t the only one to leave. It’s led to some financial difficulties.”

Boss delivers every word with clarity, unlike the claimants you hear from every day.

“… And I’ve had to change my point of view on competitions.” You’ve never heard Boss sound defeated before.

“The dojo enters tournaments now?”

“Not just any tournament.”

You and Boss lock eyes.

In your time, Boss permitted one end-of-the-year exhibition with the sanctioned dojos that met her principles and followed the highest standards for honoring the art of combat. Everything else, in her words, was “pageantry of the ego.”

There were many tournaments outside of Boss’ worldview, but none as loathsome as the Randori Classic.

Randori implying chaos. And rumors suggested the event was “classic” for all the wrong reasons. While many entered to clench the title of undisputed best in the world, the main driver was the prize money.

Always obscene. Always in cash.

“You must really be hard up.” It sounds wrong the moment you say it.

“Dojos aren’t exactly prime candidates for bank loans.”

You nod.

“I’d compete myself, but…” Boss’ voice quivers with shame. “I can’t. But it must be done. I need someone that cares as much as I do… Or at least did at one time. Represent the dojo in the tournament. Consider it a favor to me… please.”

What do you do?

  1. Anything for you, Boss.
  2. Sorry, Boss. That life’s behind me.

