Drabble | August Writing Prompt #6 Response

Pink Chalk and Black Magic

A lesson in apocalyptic arts and crafts.

Andrew Rupert Crocker
The Fiction Writer’s Den
1 min readAug 9, 2024


Image of demonic symbols done in colorful chalk on asphalt.

This is a drabble response to prompt #6 of JF Danskin’s August Writing Prompts and a challenge made to me by DW Davis (allez, sir!). I challenge Violet Lively, because I know she already has enough to do! ;)

Little Martha-May’s chalk scraped across the asphalt, finishing the last sigil.

“Who’s the crazy bitch now, Billy?” she muttered.

Suddenly, the ground trembled. Then the sky split open with an ungodly rip. Winged demons poured through with cries that drowned out the screaming neighbors.

Ugh. Not again.

She watched with growing annoyance, a vein throbbing in her temple, as the world crumbled and brimstone filled her nostrils.

Christ on a bike! Maybe I was supposed to use a unicursal hexagram?

She rolled her eyes and began a new circle.

Never underestimate little girls with a grudge and chalk.

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Andrew Rupert Crocker
The Fiction Writer’s Den

🏴‍☠️ 🐙 Scoop Magilla creator & a Kraken Lore editor 🔮👻 magical realism, low-fan & horror 🏡🐾 Austinite with Chris & 2 kitties 🎾🍞 Tennis & bread lover