Random | Drabble | Fiction

Safety | Short

This is a Drabble. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

The Fiction Writer’s Den


This prompt, A Drabble a Day is by Grim Flandango in The Fiction Writer’s Den.

Drabble: a fictive work of prose in exactly 100 words — ni más, ni menos

Today’s Word: Ligament (17 April)

“Best don’t slip.” She’d clapped a hand and clipboard around her lips to shout, pointed down into the entanglement of vats.

He followed her finger into the din, found a juddering tank marked ichor, a pipe feeding up two stories to a cistern below the catwalk. A mesmerist pop squeeze of bone, ligament, and offal jostled between feed screws into re-cycling pairs of cutting plates beneath their feet.

“Boiler-grinder,” she shouted, nodded, smiled… shrugged.


She smiled, unable to hear him over the noise.

His eyes drifted to a neon board three stories down. Days Without Incident: 002.

It’s a challenge for the author. Read it once, read it twice, give it a think, dance a jig for 30 seconds, leave a comment, have a clap… I dunno. It’s whatever… you’re here. You’re here and we had a chance to talk. That’s what matters and I appreciate you for that.



The Fiction Writer’s Den

I've been a little lost lately. Soooo, I (try to) write (now).