Stop Dissing Writers Who Don’t Plan Their Stories

We’re not the big mess that you think we are.

Sieran Lane
The Fiction Writer’s Den


A beautiful woman with a tiara and a unicorn horn, gently holds the muzzle of a unicorn. Both are standing in water.
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe

Have you heard of the “war” between pantsers and plotters?

Plotters are writers who plan their stories, while pantsers write by the seat of their pants, i.e. they don’t plan. Plantsers are folks in between.

Pantsers are often snubbed like we’re naughty children.

People claim that we end up with messy drafts that take loads of time to fix after.

Some even say that we can never finish our books.

Is that the Truth or Just BS?

One day, I asked people on social media about this issue.

Many pantsers told me that even without outlining anything, they come out with a coherent, organized draft.

In fact, trying to plot just made them waste tons of time and led them nowhere.

Some plotters said that while they do plan, they end up with messy drafts anyway.

And some other writers pointed out that rewriting your story is normal. Why so much fear over discarding your first draft and writing a new one?

A Passionate Defense of Pantsers



Sieran Lane
The Fiction Writer’s Den

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!