Tangled Response

A Drabble


The moon in a blue sky
Picture taken by the author

This story is written as a drabble. It’s a response to JF Danskin’s challenge. Check out the writing prompt here.

It was too late. Sprawled in her own blood and vomit, the crone was already dead.

“You didn’t wait for me!” I screamed.

Norm threw his crowbar against the wall.

“Bitch was givin’ me attitude.”

“You idiot!”

The plan was to interrogate the old lady. Now everything’s gone down the shitter.

“Her husband’s in charge of the business. We can try him next.”

“Good luck trying to kidnap him,” I smirked.

“You still gonna pay me?”

“Not until I know why.”

“Why what?”

“Why my brother got a Game Boy for Christmas that year when he killed my goldfish.”

