Voyage Dog Chapter 6: “The Train Thief” Part 1

Copper, Hazel, Skye and Jasper get on the Scumberg Express to get to the next location of the 4th crystal sun. While on their train ride, they meet Piper (a tomboy and Bailey who are two college students and Lilith, who’s a teenage reindeer that mostly likes goth related hobbies like reincarnation.

The Fiction Writer’s Den
8 min readDec 14, 2023


Written and Cut Out/Other Art by John Ohiagu

The sun comes up and Jasper and Skye wake up to see the hotel’s alarm clock time as the both of them realize that they overslept and that all 4 of them will miss their train ride to the minigame pyramid.

“OH CRAP!!” Skye and Jasper yell out with shocked expressions on their faces.

Skye wakes up Hazel while Jasper tries waking up Copper who’s growling like a regular dog while he’s asleep.

Copper and Hazel finally wake up to see the clock’s time and also realize that they overslept. Everyone starts running out of the room and out of the hotel. They reach the train station and just barely made it in time. They all get on the train and start wheezing from lack of breath. They all get on a train seat and all their stomachs start growling.

“I wish we had enough time to get breakfast at the hotel before we got on the train,” Copper said.

Piper offering a muffin she made.

Just then a hand with a chocolate chip muffin on top of it reaches out to Copper. Copper and the others look up at whoever’s offering the muffin and it’s a light blue mouse who has a blue hoodie and blonde hair with a peek-a-bang hairstyle covering her left eye.

“Thanks for the muffin!” Copper thanks her for the muffin.

“What’s your name?” Hazel asked her.

“Name’s Piper. I’m on the train with my college buddy Bailey. We’re going to a grand opening to an amusement park so my friend can take pictures for a school project.” Piper introduced herself while bringing out a plastic container of more muffins she made.

“Would you all like to see my photo album? My friend helped me arranged all the photos I have,” Piper asked Copper and the others.

Young Piper lighting her doll on fire.

They say yes and they see a photo of her as a really young kid looking innocent, but the next picture of her shows her lighting her doll on fire.

“I was kind of an arsonist when I was younger since I was always curious about lighting things on fire, but thankfully my parents always noticed the fire I started before it was too late and they started to hide the matches and lighters from me,” Piper explained while chuckling.

Later pictures show her teenager years and winning different competitions like a video game competition, a baking competition and a knitting competition.

“I didn’t even know that there was a competition for knitting.” Hazel says while looking at the photos.

“How many competitions have you won?” Jasper asked Piper.

“If I recall, I’ve won over 15 different competitions,” Piper replied to his question.

“I now aspire to be this girl someday,” Jasper thought to himself while his eyes widened in shock.

Piper also shows them her high school pictures like a basketball team group photo, a tennis team group photo and a high school graduation photo.

A picture of Piper’s boyfriend

The last pictures she shows the 4 of them are photo booth pictures of her and a red cat with an orange beanie and a stubble standing next to her while she’s doing a peace sign with a wide smile on her face in the first photo.

The 2nd photo has her stretching her face a bit and sticking her tongue out as a silly face. The last photo has her giving the red cat a kiss on the cheek while he blushes and has a wide smile on his face.

“Who’s that guy with the orange beanie?” Jasper asked Piper.

“That’s my boyfriend,” Piper responded to his question.

“I’ve seen that guy before. He accidentally slammed my face when he was opening a door a few days ago,” Copper said.

“That’s a coincidence that you brought that up, because I swear that has happened nearly every time me and him are on a date. It’s like a curse that can’t be broken,” Piper joked.

Just then, Bailey comes in to take a photo of Copper and his teammates along with Piper but accidentally leaves the flash on.

Bailey (college friend of Piper)

“AHGGUH! Watch where you’re flashing that!” Skye yelled at her in annoyance.

“My bad!” Bailey apologized.

“This is my friend, Bailey,” Piper introduced her to the 4 of them.

The 4 of them introduce themselves to her and after that Bailey notices that Piper’s showing them her picture book.

“Have you told them the story about how we met in our first semester?” Bailey asked Piper.

“I almost forgot about that! Before I met Bailey, I was in a college club where you could play and talk about video games while Bailey was in a photography class.” Piper started to remember.

“I remember having a school project where I had to make a fake magazine and take pictures for whatever subject she chose for the magazine. I was having trouble coming up with a subject and I was worried that I’d fail the class, but one day I came across the video game club and I saw how talented Piper was at playing video games. I asked Piper if I could take pictures of her playing the game and she said sure. After that, I had an idea for a fake video game magazine that centered around Piper being talented at video games.” Bailey told the rest of her side of the backstory.

“After that, we started hanging out with each other,” Piper said.

After they told their backstory, Copper, Hazel and Jasper tell them that they’ll see them later while Skye keeps eating her muffin.

Later on that night, the 4 of them find a sleeping car room with two bedrooms. Skye and Jasper decide to go to their own sleeping car room after Copper asks them if they wanted to sleep in his and Hazel’s room, but they say that they’ll find another room to sleep in.

After no luck of finding a train room, Jasper. decides to go back to the train bedroom where Copper and Hazel are. Skye decides to still find another room to sleep in and comes across another room that says open but find Bailey and Piper in the room with makeup on their faces like dark blue eyeshadow and dark blue lipstick on Piper and green eyeshadow and green lipstick on Bailey.

“What are you two doing?” Skye asked them.

“Me and Piper sometimes like to put on makeup on our faces as an experiment.” Bailey explained.

“I’m surprised that you two like doing this type of activity,” Skye replied.

“You wanna try out my blue eyeshadow?” Piper offered.

“Sure! I’ve never really tried putting on makeup before,” Skye accepted.

After that, Skye goes back to the room where Copper, Hazel and Jasper are and comes in with dark blue eyeshadow on her face.

“You guys think I look pretty with this eyeliner on?” Skye asked them.

Copper and Hazel don’t say anything except for Jasper who chuckles and replies to her “No.”

“I don’t need to take your bullcrap remark, cat boy! Let’s throw down!” Skye yelled at Jasper along with challenging him to a fight.

“You’re on, duck girl!” Jasper accepted her challenge.

“Hold up! There won’t be any fighting between you two, because we all need to to focus on getting the 4th crystal sun. Also I don’t want to be responsible for the two of you possibly murdering each other and me being arrested along with Copper for your accidental murder,” Hazel sternly told them.

Skye and Jasper reluctantly agreed to not fight each other and decide to go to bed. Jasper pulls one of the train’s bedcover down to go to sleep but sees a teenage reindeer in a goth dress who startles him. It looks like she’s asleep but she’s not breathing. He checks her heart pulse but nothing is beating. Everyone assumes she’s dead but the reindeer finally wakes up.


“What a nice nap.” The reindeer woke up and sees Copper and the others.

“What’s up? My name’s Lilith. Would you like to know what you’d want to be when you’re reincarnated as?” She introduced herself while asking the 4 of them a question.

“I would!” Skye yelled out of curiosity.

“How’d you sleep without a heart pulse?!” Jasper asked in confusion.

“To be honest, I have no idea how my body can do that,” Lilith responded.

Lilith leaves the room while Copper and the others try to get some rest.

Meanwhile, during the first night of the train while Skye and Jasper are sleeping, Hazel and Copper are both still awake. Out of curiosity, Hazel asks Copper a question.

“Hey Copper, what are your plans for the future?”

“I haven’t really thought about that much about my plans for my future. I’m mostly wanting to keep sailing and exploring other places,” Copper responded to her question.

“Do you have any family members?” Hazel asked him.

“Mostly an extended family. Back on my home island, I lived in a big house that was located in a town with my parents, along with my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins who are a niece and a nephew,” Copper explained while he gets 3 pictures of his family members from his backpack.

“When I turned 13, my parents, along with my uncle and aunt, thought that I was ready to explore the world, so they chipped in their money to buy me a boat, along with a boneyrang for self defense. I’ve been sailing around for about a year now, but I’ll sometimes sail back home to take a break every 6 months to visit my family and friends,” Copper also explained to Hazel.

“I have one more question to ask you. How would you spend your last day on earth?” Hazel asked him.

“If it was my last day on earth, I’d want to look at a nice sunset view on the beach before passing away. I’d also want to meet the maker who created him after my temporary nap is over,” Copper responded.

“Woah. I didn’t know that you were that deep,” Hazel responded surprised.

The both of them say good night to each other and finally drift off to sleep. Later on that night, Hazel dreams about two shadowy figures that resemble her and her little brother Koey, but are a little taller than the both of them.

(If you’re interested in this story along with supporting this blog, please check out the other Voyage Dog chapters along with my other blog posts on show and movie reviews along with episode plot synopsis.)

If you’re also interested in my art style, then please check out my TikTok page for more extra art I do of my characters:

