Wild Red Bees in a Jar

A chapter of a ‘choose your own’ story — drabble edition!

JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den
2 min readMar 21, 2024


Red bees, bees in jars, drawing
Image by the author and FreePik

This is a continuation of Hunting a Demon, a Choose Your Own Adventure Story started by JF Danskin and written in drabbles and double-drabbles. Find out more here, or return to the previous chapter: ‘A Girl Lessening the Load’.

You row hard, but the fish-warriors are gaining.

Angelika prises open the jar of bees, then tosses the dagger aside. She reaches in, then throws one bee after another firmly into the water.

Each one buzzes helplessly, its wings saturated.

“Animal cruelty!” you say, glaring a the girl. You can’t fathom what sort of upbringing she must have had.

“Look,” she calls, pointing.

The fish warriors in the lake had been closing in, but now they are swimming around chaotically.

“Distracts them. They navigate through sound,” she explains.

You pull at the oars, and start to create some distance.


Thanks for reading! This drabble responded to one of Grim Flandango’s daily word prompts (‘fathom’). It also responded to Mad as a March Writing Prompt, idea 3: “Write a drabble or flash fiction story about someone whose behaviour is uncommon or rarely seen… but perhaps they have a good reason for it!” Angelika’s ‘animal cruelty’ is outside of the social norm.



JF Danskin
The Fiction Writer’s Den

Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.