Hello hi! Wanna post your stuff on WriteSketchy?

Do you write sketches or similar comedy dealies also? Want to showcase them? Here’s how:

Monika Hall


Image by S-Victoria on Shutterstock

1 Leave your Medium handle, for example: @Monika.Hall ←that’s mine, in the comments and I'll add you as a writer. Writing and publishing to Medium is free with a sign up account. Just letting you know!

2 Send a draft of your work to WriteSketchy (Here’s a link that show you how to submit your work to publications: https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/213904978-Add-a-draft-or-post-to-publication )

3 I’ll look it over, and as long as it isn’t punching down. I’ll post it!

Questions? I can answer them here → monika.reads.emails@gmail.com

or leave them in the comments section below.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

*We’re now on tik tok too! Check it out here:

*And there’s also a Linktree:



Monika Hall

Hi I like to write sketches. This is me smashing ideas together and seeing what happens! (she/her/她)(https://medium.com/writesketchy)