What is Writetober? (Challenge & Prompts)

Writetober explained

Bella Reyna
2 min readOct 3, 2022


Image of autumn trees in shades of yellows, browns and oranges. The text reads: Writetober 2022 Official 2022 Prompt List and is attributed to @RO.Robinson.Writes. It includes the hashtag #50WordFiction and a list of the 31 prompts. 1 Train. 2 Smoke. 3 Ethereal. 4 Flutter. 5 Guard. 6 Shiver. 7 Elm. 8 Liturgy. 9 Crane. 10 Sight. 11 Starlit. 12 Dwell. 13 Trail. 14 Dream. 15 Betray. 16 Crown. 17 Twisted. 18 Costly. 19 Poem. 20 Ivy. 21 Moth. 22 Treasure. Image text limited. Full list in article.
Image from @RO.Robinson.Writes on instagram

Writetober is an annual writing challenge to create 50 word fiction using the defined prompts.

I use the prompts to write fiction, and also to channel musings, philosophy, or access different viewpoints. I challenge myself to use 50 words exactly, no more, no less. (You can adapt how you do the challenge, however it suits you.)

I’m participating in the again challenge this year, and posting my writing on my Publication: Writetober.

I invite you to participate!

From RO.Robinson.Writes on instagram:

Here it is, folks — the 2022 Writetober prompt list! Tomorrow is the first day of Writetober 2022! 🥳
Just to recap the challenge:
🍁 Writetober is about developing your writing craft, connecting with other writers, and most importantly, having fun!
🍁 Participate in the challenge as often as you are able, or as seldom as you need. You don’t have to do it every day to join the fun!
🍁 Each day you participate, write a short piece of fiction (or poetry, I suppose!) inspired by the day’s one-word prompt. I’ll be doing #50wordfiction and using the hashtag. With 50 word fiction, the idea is to write a micro-story that’s neither more nor less than 50 words. It’s challenging, but it forces you to choose your words carefully — which is a critical skill to have as an author! You’re welcome to join me in this version of the challenge, or make your own goals!
🍁 If you’re posting with the hashtags #writetober2022 and #50wordfiction , please consider keeping your stories PG-13 as we have younger writers participating in the challenge / following the hashtags.
🍁 Feel free to share or repost the prompt graphic, as long as my handle (@ro.robinson.writes ) is visible!
🍁 Remember: writing is not a game of comparison. Writers support writers. Try to let this challenge be a chance to connect and inspire, not to compare!
Best of luck, everyone! Let the games begin!
#writetober #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #octoberwritingchallenge #octoberwritingprompts #prompts #writingprompts #fiction #fictionwriters #author #challenge #writingchallenge

For those with Text to Voice, the prompts are listed below:

1 — Train
2 — Smoke
3 — Ethereal
4 — Flutter
5 — Guard
6 — Shiver
7 — Elm
8 — Liturgy
9 — Crane
10 — Sight
11 — Starlit
12 — Dwell
13 — Trail
14 — Dream
15 — Betray
16 — Crown
17 — Twisted
18 — Costly
19 — Poem
20 — Ivy
21 — Moth
22 — Treasure
23 — Between
24 — Elder
25 — Book
26 — Creeping
27 — Twirl
28 — Rediscover
29 — Fortnight
30 — Wave
31 — Eulogy



Bella Reyna

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.