Split Screen (iOS), VATS & Discounts (Desktop v2.11)

Bob Bond
Published in
5 min readNov 20, 2018

In this release we have mainly been laying down the ground work for an exciting new feature that will be coming your way very soon! (Check out our Instagram page for a sneak peak, but don’t tell Bob I told you!) We have also made a doozy of an improvement to the mobile app, so make sure you download the latest version (V1.7.12) to see it! Here’s what we have been up to:

New Feature

Spilt Screen on the App (V1.7.12)

This is so cool. Have you ever been working on the WriteUpp app on your iPad, maybe writing a note and then needed to look something up (who really knows how to spell musculoskeletal without having to look it up?!) and still needed WriteUpp open? Well, then this one is for you! You can now set WriteUpp to be spilt over your iPad screen, so that it displays on one side with your browser (or anything else) open on the other side!

If you’re not sure how to use spilt screen on iOS then the clever team at Apple can help you out:

Use Multitasking on your iPad


Changes to VAT Settings in WriteUpp

Previously in WriteUpp you were only able to set one VAT rate for invoices. This meant the same VAT rate was applied to both Appointments and Expenses. We recognised the inflexibility of this and now, instead of having just one rate for tax and allowing you to over-ride the tax amount on an invoice, you have the ability to:

  • Define multiple tax rates
  • Choose which tax rate is applied by default to treatments and expenses
  • Apply any of your defined tax rates to treatments and expenses

You can read all about how VAT is now handled in WriteUpp here

WriteUpp is preloaded with three VAT Rates, 20%, 5% and 0% but you can add as many additional rates as you like. This is fabulous news if you’re in a different country where VAT rates differ from that in the UK.

You can learn how to add a VAT rate here.

Changes to the way you apply VAT on Invoices

When you create an invoice in WriteUpp you are now able to set a specific VAT rate for each individual line item i.e one to an expense and one to an appointment. It looks like this:

Pretty nifty, I’m sure you’d agree!

Changes to the way we apply Discounts

If you saw our “Sneak Peak” on Instagram then you will know what we have coming down the tracks. In readiness for this we have added a bit more intelligence to the way we apply discounts. Previously, a percentage (%) discount was applied to the invoice total. Now, you have the ability to apply a percentage or a numeric discount against each line item. I know quite a few of you have asked about this very recently so we reckon you’re gonna love it!

To provide more flexibility to the way discounts are applied to invoices we have given you the ability to:

  • Apply a discount to each line item
  • Apply a numeric discount to a line item
  • Apply a % discount to a line item

The way in which an invoice is generated remains the same but when you create your invoice it will now look like this:

The key changes are:

  • a new discount column where you can specify the numeric discount for each line item
  • a new discount line in the invoice summary
  • a context menu that will allow you to: specify a % discount (instead of a numeric discount) and delete the line item

You can read all about how to add a discount here.

This approach (of applying the discount to the ex VAT price) is in line with HMRC guidance and is the approach taken by all other leading accounting systems, including Xero. If you would like to know more about discounting and VAT please take a look at the HMRC article here.

When you generate your final invoice you will also see that we have added a discount column and line in the invoice summary which will appear ONLY if you have specified a discount.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue surrounding Data Export of Appointments to CSV being out by one hour has been fixed
  • There was an issue with sending Direct Messages with SMTP if you have a Hotmail/Outlook 365 account. This has been fixed
  • If you are in New Zealand, there was an issue with variables and time zones. This has been addressed
  • The value in the Dashboard for “Non Invoiced appts” was incorrect. This has now been fixed
  • When printing a clinic list from List View the date at the top was incorrect. This is no longer the case
  • Issues with being unable to delete patient have been resolved
  • The mobile App didn’t contain the same list of country codes as desktop does. This has been fixed
  • Scrolling wasn’t working on variables on iPad. This has been fixed.
  • There was an Error when “quick invoicing” from the edit appt modal. This has been resolved
  • A Zero (0) was being added to mobile numbers for our customers in Norway, preventing SMS being sent. This has been fixed

Originally published at www.writeupp.com on November 20, 2018.



Bob Bond

Co-Founder & CEO of WriteUpp • Health Tech Entrepreneur • Love Simple Software • Coffee Addict • Committed Snowboarder • Part-time Cyclist • Solo Sailor