Writing on Medium

Elevate Your Medium Posts with These Simple Editing Techniques

Master the Art of Editing: Transform Your Writing from Good to Great with These Essential Tips

Tyler Lubben BBA
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2024


Photo by Viktor Hesse on Unsplash

Ever stared at your draft and felt a wave of frustration, knowing it could be so much better? You’re not alone. Every writer hits that moment where their piece is on the brink of greatness, needing just a few tweaks to truly shine. The good news? Transforming your drafts from mediocre to magnificent isn’t about magic — it’s about mastering a handful of simple editing techniques that can make all the difference.

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The Power of the First Read-Through

Before diving into the nitty gritty of editing, take a step back and read your draft aloud. Yes, out loud. It might feel awkward, but trust me, it’s a game-changer. Reading aloud lets you hear the rhythm of your writing and catch awkward phrases or stilted sentences that might trip up your readers.

Tip: While reading, jot down quick notes on anything that feels off. Don’t worry about fixing it just yet; this is all about identifying areas needing attention.

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Clarify Your Message

Your post needs a clear, compelling message. Ask yourself: What’s the main takeaway for my reader? If you can’t summarize your post in one or two sentences, it’s time to refine your focus. Cut out any tangents or fluff that take away from or don’t add to your core message.

Insight: Think of your content as a conversation with a friend. What’s the one thing you want them to remember?

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Strengthen Your Structure

A well-structured post guides your readers effortlessly from start to finish. Begin with a hook that grabs their attention, follow with a logical flow of ideas, and end with a powerful conclusion. Each paragraph should build on the previous one, creating a cohesive narrative.

Story: Remember that time you got lost in an article because it was so well-written? That’s the experience you want to create for your readers.

Photo by Safal Karki on Unsplash

Edit Ruthlessly

Now, it’s time to get ruthless. Remove anything that doesn’t serve your message. Be merciless with filler words and redundant phrases. Aim for clarity and conciseness. Every sentence should add value to your post.

Motivation: Editing isn’t about criticizing your work; it’s about refining it. Think of it as polishing a gem — removing imperfections to reveal its true brilliance.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Polish Your Prose

Pay attention to your language. Use active voice whenever possible to make your writing more dynamic and engaging. Vary your sentence lengths to maintain a rhythm that keeps readers hooked. Replace weak verbs and adjectives with stronger, more precise alternatives.

Encouragement: Don’t be afraid to show your personality. Your unique voice is what will resonate with your audience.

Photo by Sable Flow on Unsplash

Add Visual Appeal

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Break up large blocks of text with images, subheadings, and bullet points. This not only makes your post more visually appealing but also enhances readability.

Tip: Use relevant images that complement your content and provide additional context or value.

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Seek Feedback

Before hitting publish, get a fresh pair of eyes on your draft. Feedback from others can provide valuable insights and highlight areas you might have missed. Don’t shy away from constructive criticism — it’s crucial for growth.

Reflection: Remember, every great writer has a team of editors and beta readers helping them along the way. You’re building your own support system.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Final Touches

Finally, give your post one last read-through to catch any hidden typos or errors. Check your formatting, ensure your links work, and make sure your post is optimized for SEO. A polished, error-free post is a testament to your professionalism and attention to detail.

Encouragement: Take a moment to appreciate how far your post has come. From that initial draft to this polished piece, you’ve transformed your work into something truly special.

Conclusion: Your Journey to Greatness

Editing is more than just a step in the writing process — it’s where your draft transforms into dynamite. By embracing these simple techniques, you’ll elevate your Medium posts and captivate your readers. Remember, every great writer started with a draft. It’s the dedication to refining and improving that sets them apart.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into your drafts with these editing strategies and watch your content soar. Your writing journey is just beginning, and the world is waiting to hear your voice. Keep pushing, keep refining, and most importantly, keep writing.

Call to Action: Ready to take your writing to the next level? Share your experiences and favorite editing tips in the comments below. Let’s inspire and learn from each other!

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Tyler Lubben BBA

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.