Writing On Medium

Navigating Writer’s Block on Medium: Tips and Tricks from Top Creators

Discover game-changing tips and tricks to transform creative roadblocks into stepping stones for your writing success! 🚀✨

Tyler Lubben BBA
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Scott Jackson on Unsplash

We’ve all been there: staring at a blank screen with a blinking cursor, feeling the frustration rise. Writer’s block is a common hurdle for everyone, from newbies to seasoned Medium creators. But here’s the good news: it’s not unbeatable. With insights from successful Medium authors, you can turn creative roadblocks into stepping stones.

Embrace the Block, Don’t Fight It

First things first, acknowledge your writer’s block. Pretending it doesn’t exist just ramps up the frustration. Take a deep breath and accept it as part of your creative journey. Even the best writers know that creativity has its ups and downs, and writer’s block is just a temporary lull.

Find Inspiration in the Everyday

Top Medium writers often find their best ideas in the most unexpected places. Take a walk, watch people at a café, or browse social media with purpose. Everyday moments can spark unexpected thoughts and stories. One writer shared, “I once wrote an entire piece inspired by a conversation I overheard at the grocery store. Inspiration is everywhere if you’re open to it.”

Maintain a Writing Routine

Consistency is key. Establish a writing routine that fits your lifestyle. It could be an hour each morning or 20 minutes during lunch — just make it a daily habit. One successful Medium author said, “I treat my writing time like an important meeting. It’s non-negotiable.” Regular practice not only helps fend off writer’s block but also sharpens your skills.

Write Through the Block

Sometimes, the best way to beat writer’s block is to write through it. Set a timer for 10 minutes and just write — don’t worry about grammar, style, or coherence. The goal is to get words on the page. You might be surprised at how quickly your thoughts start to flow once you lower your expectations.

Engage with the Medium Community

Connecting with other writers can be incredibly motivating. Comment on articles, join writing groups, and participate in Medium challenges. The community is filled with supportive individuals who understand your struggles and triumphs. One Medium creator shared, “Connecting with other writers always reignites my passion. Their journeys remind me why I love writing.”

Read, Read, Read

Reading widely fuels creativity. It exposes you to different styles, perspectives, and ideas. Don’t limit yourself to your niche — explore various genres and topics. One writer confessed, “Whenever I’m stuck, I spend an afternoon reading articles on Medium. It always sparks new ideas and helps me see my own work in a different light.”

Give Yourself Permission to Fail

Perfectionism can be a huge roadblock. Allow yourself to write poorly. The first draft doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to exist. A seasoned Medium writer candidly stated, “I’ve written some terrible first drafts. But that’s okay. You can’t edit a blank page.”

Take Breaks

Never underestimate the power of taking breaks. Sometimes, stepping away from your work is the best thing you can do. Engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you. Exercise, cook, meditate — do whatever helps your mind reset. When you return to your writing, you’ll have a fresh perspective.

Experiment with Different Formats

Feeling stuck? Experiment with different formats. If you usually write long-form articles, try listicles, personal essays, or even fiction. Mixing things up can break the monotony and reignite your creativity.

Believe in Your Voice

Finally, believe in your own voice. Every writer has a unique perspective to offer. Trust that your experiences, thoughts, and ideas are valuable. A top creator once said, “The moment I started trusting my own voice, writing became less daunting and more fulfilling.”


Writer’s block is a common challenge, but with strategies from those who’ve been there, you can overcome it. Embrace the block, find inspiration in the everyday, stick to a routine, and engage with your writing community. Remember, even the best writers face creative hurdles. It’s how you navigate them that sets you apart.

Keep writing, keep pushing, and soon you’ll find your flow again. Ready to conquer writer’s block? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below and let’s keep the conversation going!



Tyler Lubben BBA

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.