Back to Brunch

Maxwell Jones
Writing 150 Fall 2020
2 min readOct 31, 2020

Here’s this photo. Now, the reason I don’t like it; it makes it seem like the only thing that matters in an election is getting “tHE GoOd gUy” in office and that after that, everything is fine and dandy and we can just be chilling, eating brunch and not giving a shit about what they’re actually doing in office.

That’s a TERRIBLE message because it makes us a bunch of hacks who don’t hold our representatives accountable and just trust them to be good because they identify with the same label as we do. These people forget that the Clinton Foundation is about as crooked as can be, that Hillary and the DNC practiced voter suppression in 2016 by changing voting times of pro-Bernie areas, that she literally said she has “public beliefs and private beliefs”, that she’s LOVED by the crooks on Wall St., and she voted for the Iraq War which killed 200k+ Iraqi civilians. Ever think that maybe, just maybe, that Trump is a SYMPTOM of a systemic and significant issue of our government and the fact that the democrats are corporatists just like the conservatives, and not that every single person that voted for Trump is just an idiot and “morally inferior” to you? People didn’t turn out for Hillary because the Obama Admin. didn’t do enough for people. He gave us a republican healthcare bill when he had a supermajority, ran on ending the wars and didn’t, always compromised and never fought on issues, etc. I’m not saying he didn’t do great things, but he definitely didn’t provide the change he promised.

So, basically, with the election less than a week away, I just really hope that when Biden probably gets elected, we don’t have this attitude of “going back to brunch” or else nothing will change, they’ll keep running the country like corporatists donor-pleasers, and it’ll eventually lead to Donald Trump Jr. getting elected and fast-forwarding global warming and the dissolve of the middle class by 60 years. For the love of god, check what Biden is doing, see if he’s helping the people that need it most because we are in a near Depression level economy, and many people can’t afford to not get help.

