
Sabrina Atkin
Writing 150 Fall 2020
3 min readOct 30, 2020

I wrote this when I was frustrated, and was going to go back and polish it up into a post, but I decided to just leave it as I originally wrote it.

It’s ridiculous how nobody actually seems to give a shit about anybody else. So many people like to talk about how we need to support people with mental illnesses and reach out to our friends to make sure they are doing ok. Yet nobody actually does this. They wait until someone’s pain is shoved down their throat before they reach out. If someone they know posts that they are sad, then they message them saying “I’m here for you” or “you can always talk to me.” But that’s it. They don’t follow up. They don’t reach out on any normal day. If someone posts every day for 2 weeks that they are sad as shit, people will slide up to every single one saying “it’s going to be ok” or “feel free to reach out” but then as soon as the person stops posting people forget about it. If they aren’t explicitly being shown that someone is struggling then they just assume that everyone is ok. News flash: people don’t always publicize the fact that they are having a hard time. And at some point your “support” just seems like empty words. You say you want to help and you care about me, but that’s it. You don’t actually take any fucking action to help anybody.

Yes, you should reach out to your friends; I’m not saying to stop doing that. But you can’t just say that you are here to talk and think that is good enough. What about asking somebody how they are when you haven’t talked to them in a while. What about reaching out just to fucking reach out. Someone doesn’t have to be in critical condition for you to fucking talk to them. People can have 10 different people tell them that they are “always here to talk,” but when they actually need to talk they don’t truly feel as though anyone gives a shit. Stop saying empty words and instead actually show those around you that you care.

Simply spreading the idea that we need to “reach out to our friends” barely brushes the surface. Maybe people should realize that there are so many other things they could do to help people with mental illnesses. For example, don’t fucking say you’re depressed just because you lost your favorite chapstick or because you left your cookies in the oven for too long. Those things don’t make you depressed, and all you’re doing is saying that your minor inconvenience is the same thing as someone who’s brain makes them feel like shit for the majority of their life. You can’t fucking say that we need to work to prevent suicide, and then turn around and say you want to kill yourself every time you don’t get the grade you want on a test. Have you ever actually felt like you wanted to die? Like the mere act of being alive is so fucking difficult that you wish you didn’t have to do it anymore? Chances are, no you haven’t. If you actually are in a situation where you want to be dead, then by all means tell somebody so that they can try and help you. But if you simply are a little mad at something that just happened, don’t fucking blow it out of proportion and say you want to kill yourself. That is actually so fucking inconsiderate.

Saying these bullshit statements just makes suicide sound like a less severe thing than it actually is. When someone commits suicide, its a huge tragedy and everyone is like man I wish I could have done something. You can start with actually making suicide seem like a big deal. Saying you want to kill yourself when you’re a tad frusturated just makes it seem like suicide is as inconsequential as letting out a little groan of anger. It’s not though. Suicide is someone fucking ending their own life.

