WP2: My Intellectual Time Machine

Miles Stoddart
Writing 150 Fall 2020
2 min readOct 6, 2020

Being a passionate violinist, the entirety of my life is defined by music. Everything, from insignificant day events, to meaningful relationships, to large sweeping themes of my life, are associated with music. As a result, as I live through every second of my life, my head automatically grabs whatever song is most prevalent at the time and ties it to the current moment. Over the years, I have come to have several groups of songs from several various genres that encapsulate my years as an intellectual. Listening to any one of these songs from a time in my past floods goosebumps over my skin and brings even my deepest memories into the front of my brain. To me, a collection of these songs, despite their extreme variety, creates a vessel through which all 5 of my senses get brought back to any one moment in my life with full emotional experience and connection: a true time machine.

The time machine is organized in large by violin concertos and symphonies; as a violinist, they characterize my high school years and serve as bridges between the different phases of my life and my journey as an intellectual. Aside from this one continuity that grounds the archive, the playlists traverse several different genres of music, ranging from classical, to rock and roll, to modern rap and hip hop. This vast traversal directly represents how much I’ve changed over the course of my intellectual journey.

Works Cited

Stoddart, Miles, who i am, October, 2020.

Stoddart, Miles, catalyst, October, 2020.

Stoddart, Miles, new beginning, October, 2020.

Stoddart, Miles, discovery, October, 2020.

Stoddart, Miles, adventurous, October, 2020.

Stoddart, Miles, bridge, October, 2020.

Stoddart, Miles, who i am, October, 2020.

