Post 5: Suppress Your Voice, Kill Your Passions

Alora Geiser-Cseh
2 min readMay 8, 2023


When I was younger, I had a deep passion for singing. My dad had an extensive music collection and knew all the words to many different songs. One of my favorite things to do was sit together with my him and listen to his music. We would just sit and listen to his records and CDs for hours on end. As we listened, my dad would sing along and encourage me to do the same. At first, I was shy and hesitant to sing out loud. But over time, I gained confidence and started to join in.

As I grew older, my love for music deepened, and I became more and more interested in different genres and styles. I would often ask my dad to introduce me to new artists and bands. Together, we explored the world of music and bonded over our shared love for it. As we sang together, I learned not only about music but also about life. The lyrics of the songs we sang helped me to understand the world around them and to express my emotions in a meaningful way. And so, as we sang together, I realized that music wasn’t just a hobby but a way of life, a way of connecting with others, and a way of expressing myself . I was grateful to have my dad by my side, helping me to discover the power of music and the joy of singing.

But eventually, my dad was no longer a part of my life and from that point on, I stopped singing as much and eventually gave it up altogether. Now, as an adult, I realize how much giving up singing affected me. It left a hole in my life. The pain of giving up on my passion was intense. It felt like a part of me had died, and I was left feeling lost and directionless. I struggled to find a sense of purpose as if I had lost a part of myself and that I was no longer the person I once was. I had let myself down and allowed external factors to hold me back.

Singing had allowed me to express myself in a way that words alone could not. I could convey a range of emotions and feelings through the lyrics and melody of a song, and the act of singing itself was a powerful outlet for me. I would love to rekindle my passion for singing and finding ways to incorporate it into my life. It would allow me to heal my inner child and accept the pain, trauma, and negative experiences that I had gone through. It would allow me to reconnect with a part of myself that I’ve neglected for too long. Even if I never perform on a big stage, I know that singing will always hold a special place in my heart.

