Summer 2024 WP1: The First Check In

Professor Daniel Dissinger
Writing 150
Published in
6 min readMay 15, 2024

This is the first of 3 projects this summer where you’ll DIG DEEPLY/REFLECT on the IMPACT and RELATIONSHIP, or anything else that you find curious about an AESTHETIC of your choosing to ENGAGE. These projects are interconnected. Think of them as a trilogy of works, while still being stand-alone pieces. Think of them as unpacking the WHAT, HOW, and WHY of your AESTHETIC journey this summer.

WP1 starts the journey. It’s just part of the whole QUEST. It’s the INTRO to the rest of the experience, kind of like the intro to an album. It’s important because it sets the tone for the project, but you can still listen to that intro as its own song.

When you’re thinking about AESTHETICS, music videos are a good place to examine, to get an understanding of what it means to SET THE TONE.

The video below is for the intro track & video “K.R.I.T. HERE,” for BIG K.R.I.T.’s alum K.R.I.T. IZ HERE. Watch it. Take notes. LEARN.

BIG K.R.I.T. — K.R.I.T. HERE (Official Music Video)

Think about the DETAILS that are included in this video, how the AESTHETICS of Hip Hop are specific, yet not just Hip Hop, Southern Hip Hop. Then, it goes deeper. AESTHETICS is used to tell a story, to develop the arc of the song, the visual unpacking of each space and idea. Each verse is set with an AETHETIC specific. It just keeps going.

So, as you’re working on your WP1 projects, you want it to be something that you are CURIOUS about in terms of AESTHETICS. Think about something you’re curious about. It could be anything, and then think about the ROLE AESTHETICS plays in you being curious to examine this IDEA further.

This is not just about examining the AESTHETIC or critiquing the it; what you want to do is consider the IMPACT of it on _________________.

Give the audience YOUR IDEAS, your OPINIONS, and your CONTRIBUTION as an INTELLECTUAL. Tell them what they’re about to be confronted with, and don’t hold back with the DEPTH. Don’t hold back, because no one keeps going when the INTRO is weak.

When it comes to how we engage the world and how it engages back with us it comes from the HEGEMONIC WORLD VIEW, which is white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, and male-identifying, upper-class.

So, we are ALL going to write to PUSH against this HEGEMONY, to question what you’ve been told, and instead, you are going to CONTRIBUTE to the discussion what you feel is MISSING., even if you are of any of the HEGEMONIC WORLD VIEW identities; they work on you too, so push against them to SEE and ENGAGE the world form your AUTHENTIC self.

WP1 is the start of this QUEST this semester, so make the FOCUS, that CORE PURPOSE something specific that YOU want the audience to LEARN, while at the same time, make it something YOU are interested in EXPLORING even more about yourself, in this piece, WP2, and WP3.

We’re all in this together, too. So, as we’re writing and workshopping, we’re supporting and helping and working with one another.

Okay, now, you can start to use the MULTIMODAL collaboration here as well. Maybe your project is a podcast, a video series or short film, or a photo essay, or you are starting a YouTube channel to cultivate this AESTHETIC, interviews, whatever it is you want to do, you can do. Writing will have a role though.

Yet, if you just want to write a project, go right ahead. NO ONE IS FORCED to do ANYTHING.

Photo by Cem Ersozlu on Unsplash

Something I want you to think about for this project and the rest of the semester’s projects is to WRITE FULLY EMBODIED. Don’t ignore the INTERCONNECTED RELATIONSHIP between your MIND BODY SPIRIT (however you define that) when it comes to this work.

Writing “academically” is not cold and/or void of humanity.


SO, EMBRACE and CELEBRATE your HUMANITY when you write in this class.


Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

First, ignore everything you’ve been told about the topic you’re developing this project about in order to find YOUR project’s PURPOSE. WHY are you doing this particular project on this particular topic?

Second, BE OPEN TO SURPRISES and HONESTY and INTERSECTIONALITY. Think about the best ways your ideas can be heard and learned. Are there multimodal ways to create this project? How can technology help you?


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

This project asks you to SET THE TONE for your SEMESTER’S INTELLECTUAL WORK.



You want to think about the texts, the people, and/or the activities/experiences you feel have created the most MEANINGFUL KNOWLEDGE for you when it comes to your IDEA.

ALSO, Don’t Forget To:

Be Specific:
No general summaries or sweeping clichés. This is an exercise in critical thinking, so the DETAILS are imperative.

Define Your Terms:
Don’t assume your audience knows what you are talking about. Just because it is commonplace to you, does not mean that your readers have seen, heard of, gone to, etc… exactly what you are talking about. Use your writing as teachable moments. Your readers are looking to you for information, so don’t hold out.

Go For The Jugular:
This was the best advice I ever received about writing. This does not mean to be hurtful or to smear someone’s character. Rather, you should always be writing towards the MAIN VEIN of your argument. There is no time for vagueness. Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and your readers want to know NOW. Cut straight to your points and spend time explaining.

Be Patient & Embrace The Process:
This essay, and each one afterward, will be deconstructing what you’ve done in the past when it came to writing. Essentially, you will be “unlearning” what you’ve been taught to do, so don’t resist the process. Embrace each step, and stay present in each step along the way. Also, I want you to be redefining these processes to fit your specific and unique style, VOICE, and writing practice. Breathe often and deeply. Permit yourself to be imperfect.

Time Management Is Key:
Because you will be writing in a process, you must develop your time management skills. Have some sort of planner system in place. Write all dates down immediately. Check your calendar daily. We will be talking about time management, organization, and accountability all semester. Prepare to nerd out.

What’s The SO WHAT?:
This is the key to your essays. Why? Well, because your readers/audience need a reason to stay engaged in your language. Readers want to walk away from your work having learned something. They should be taking a bit of you with them when they finish. Their initial reaction to your writing should not be, “Yeah, and so what?” This means you did not do your job. You need to know the SO WHAT or know your ENDGAME going into the piece. What will be the main takeaway or the multiple takeaways? Know them and make sure they are clear.

WHYs create BECAUSEs:
Whenever you feel stuck and don’t know where to head in your discussion, just ask your last idea: WHY? Once you ask that question, you will be forced to answer with: BECAUSE. This “BECAUSE” leads you straight into explanation and reasoning. This is critical thinking. Keep doing this until you’ve beaten your writer’s block.

Wordcount: 1000–1500 words
Research/Sources: 3–5
Due: 6/2/2024



Professor Daniel Dissinger
Writing 150

Assistant Professor at USC Writing Program | Podcaster | Jack Kerouac & Beat Studies Scholar | Writing, Rhetoric, & Teaching Pedagogy | Poet